Church Listing Builder: Improvements to Google Business Profile Syndication
What is this?
The listings team is working hard to offer you more value and more clarity within Church Listing Builder. As part of the first slice of our commitment to make continuous improvements to the listing suite, we’ll start by adding new Google Business Profile (GBP) fields and attributes to our platform as well as making improvements to existing fields.
When will it be made available?
You can expect to see these changes take place on November 7th.
How does it work?
Business information entered in the “Long Description” field will now be synced to the connected Google Business Profile. This field can be found under “Accounts” → “Edit Account” → “Marketing” → “Long Description.” If there is already content within this field, this content will be published to the account’s GBP. If this field is left blank, no changes will be made to the account’s existing GBP.
People are 2.7 times more likely to consider a visit to a place if it has a complete Google Business Profile. Things to include are the services and activities your church or ministry offers, entity history/values, or anything else that people should know about you. Please ensure that you do not exceed 750 characters and that there are no URLs or HTML code present in this field.
What other changes will be made?
Please note that we will also be removing the Holiday Hours notes section in the Business Profile, as Google is no longer accepting this data.
Stay tuned for more information about upcoming releases like Special Hours syndication!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will this data override what I had entered directly in my Google Business Profile’s description field?
If you have connected the Google Business Profile to the Vendasa platform and the “long description” field found within the Business Profile is blank, any existing content in your GBP will remain unchanged. If there is existing content in the platform’s “long description” field, this content will be syndicated to your GBP effective November 7th.
Please ensure that any data present in this field is an accurate representation of your entity’s description and up-to-date.